Busters Website – HTML, CSS

Busters Restaurant & Saloon was an assignment that we were tasked that had us re-design the pre existing website which was not in the best shape. I used HTML, CSS, and very little PHP (exclusively for the contact form).
Here is a link to the website: Busters
Duck Hunt – JavaScript

I made Duck Hunt using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as my end of the year project for my Sophomore year at Meridian Technical Charter High School. Duck Hunt is a very simple game where the target follows the mouse and you are able to click on the ducks as they fly across the screen. Once you click on the ducks they will disappear and new ducks will spawn.
Here is a link to the game: Duck Hunt
Duck Hunt Files
TicTacToe Game – Java

Tic Tac Toe Files
Mine Walker Game – Java

Mine Walker Files
Data Table – SQL, PHP

For the Data Table Project I used PHP, SQL, CSS, and HTML. The assignment relvoed around creating a database using PHP and SQL from a data chart of our choosing, for this project I chose data from the Steam Store Homepage. We had to create CRUD functionality, CRUD stands for Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete.
Here is the link to the site: Data Table Project
Sand Simulation – Personal