Hello, my name is Everett Wilcox. I am a hardworking and diligent student at
Meridian Technical Charter High School. I constantly demonstrate strong
work ethic and the desire to improve. I currently hold a cumulative GPA of
3.6. My focus area within Meridian Technical is Software Development,
where I have learned skills such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, and
PHP/SQL. The technical literacy, problem solving, deductive reasoning skills
that I have learned throughout my time have prepared me to be successful
within the Technological Field of work. But I dont just have skills in the
technical field. I have developed a variety of soft skills that will help me in
any professional setting, these include communication, adaptability,
integrity, work ethic, etc. All of these skills are important within any field of
work. Outside of school I spend my time on extra curricular activites,
spending time with friends and family, as well as improve my technical skills.


Pathway Evaluation Form
Pathway Evaluation Rubric

Employability Skills Evaluation Form